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List of Abstracts of Doctoral Dissertions
Volume & Year   Annotated Listing of Books
Vol.V No.1
March 1991
  1. Poverty Alleviation and Rural Development-J.S.Sodhi
2. The Role of Small & Medium Scale Industries in the Industrial Development of the     Philippines
3. Money, Banking, Trade & Finance - K.P.M.Sundharam
4. CIRDAP Documentation, Roster of Experts in IRD, Centre on Integrated Rural Development     for Asia and the Pacific
5. The Asian Development Bank in 1990 - Panel Report January 1989
6. Advance Accounting - S.P.Iyengar
7. The Political Economy of Indian Sugar : State Interevention and Structural Change - Sanjay     Basu
Vol.V No.II 
June 1991 
  1. The Political Economy of Unorganised Industry : A Study of the Labor Process
2. Dynamics of Population & Family Welfare
3. An Assessment of Trained Manpower Needs for Agricultural Development in Nepal     :1988- 2001, Vol I and Methodolgy for the Study of Agricultural Manpower Vol II
4. Indonesia, Urban Sector Profile : An Update
5. Study of Selected Industries : A brief report
6. Bangladesh Health and Population Sector Profile
7. Education and Development in Asia and The Pacific
Vol.V No.3
September 1991
  1. K. Munirathna Naidu, Industrialisation and Regional Development in India
2. Jeseph Prokopendo, Productivity Management
3. Rajiv Mathur, DBASE III plus
4. K.N. Ninan, Edible Oil seeds
5. T.V. Rao, The HRD Missionary
6. Hari Mohan Mathur, Improving Agricultural Administration
7. A.N. Shanbhag, In the Wonderland of Investment
8. B.B. Palekar, Tax Planning for you and me
Vol.V No.4 
December 1991

1.Ghosh S.K., Indian Banking: Crime and Security in Indian Banks
2. Nitish De, Organization Scanning
3. Baldev Raj Nayar,India's Mixed Economy
4. E.D. Devadason's, Company Precedents in India
5. K. Munirathna Naidu, Rural Enonomy through Transportation
6. A.R.N. Srivastava, Tribal Encounter with Industry
7. Chandrakant P. Patel, Study of Psychological Foundation of the Free Progress System
8. B.K. Bhaskara Rao, Modern Petroleum Refining Processes
9. Asian Development Outlook, 1991
10. S.C. Roy, Land Revenue Administration in India
11. Prasanna Chandra, The Investment Game-How to Win

Vol.VI No,1
March 1992
  1. H.R.Garg, Law & Procedures of Approvals for Tax Concessions
2. Keith Davis, Human Behaviour at work :Organisation Behaviour
3. W.H.Locke Anderson, Ann Putlallaz, William Shepherd, Economics
4. William J. Baumol, Economic Theory and Operations Analysis
5. Prasanna Chandra, Managers Guide to Finance & Accounting
6. Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management, Theory & Practice
7. S.N.Mahaeshwari, Financial Management, Principles & Practice
Vol.VI No.2
June 1992
  1. R.K.Agarwal, Tax Incentives for Business and Industries
2. M.R.R. Nair and T.V.Rao, Excellence Through Human Resource Development
3. Charlouttee Eudy Mecom, Business Computer Systems
4. Martine J.Pring, Technical Analysis Explained
5. R.K.Agarwal, Tax Planning for Export Business
6. Prasanna Chandra, Fundamentals of Financial Management
7. M.N.Arora, Studies in Cost Management Audit
8. Krishnaswamy K.S.(Ed.) Poverty and Income Distribution
Vol.VI No.3
September 1992
  1. George T.Malkovich, John W.Boudreau, Personnel Human Resource Management
2. Gupta C.B., and Srinivisan, N.P., Enterpreneurial Development
3. R.P.Maheshwari, and S.N.Maheshwari, Company Law
4. Mukherjee J.N.,Economics Natural or Integral Economics
5. Garg V.K.,Economic Environment of Business
6. Krishnaswamy K.S., Poverty and Income Distribution
7. Paul A.Griffin, Corporate cases in Financial Reporting
Vol.VI No.4
December 1992
  1. Clifford Pistolex, Using Technical Analysis: A Self-Teaching Guide for the stock Market     Investor
2. Arun Agarwal, How to get the job you want
3. Rajesh Talwar, Making your own will
4. Berch Berberoglu (Ed.),Class,State and Development in India
5. Vandana Shiva, Ecology and The Politics of Survival:Conflicts over Natural Resouces in     India
6. Thiagharajan Viswanathan, Telecommunication Switching Systems and Networks
7. Devi D. Tewari & V.M.Rao, Castor Economy
8. S.R.Manhot (Ed.) CIER's Industrial Databook 1991-92
9.S.C.Jain, Productivity and Discipline Victms of Misdirected Social Justice
Vol.VII No.I
March 19
  1. Fred N. Kerlinger, Foundations of Behavioral Research
2. Arun Ghosh, Planning in India: The Challenge for the Nineties
3. United Nations, Global Outlook 2000: An Economic, Social & Environmental Perspective
4. Agarwal J.D., Accounting for Financial Analysis
Vol.VII No.2
June 19
  1. R.B. Agarwal, Financing of Higher Education in India
2. T.N. Sindhwani, India's Role in Globalisation
3. P. Sarvanovel, Management Accounting
4. Donald L Cassidy, It's When You Sell That Counts
5. Rajas Parchure, The Pure Theory of Value
6. Curtis M Arnold & Rahfeldt Dan, The Timing Market
7. Dr. Harry Mike, Information & Management Systems: Concepts and Application
8. Agarwal R.K. Guide, to Company Statutory Books and Registers
Vol.VII No.3
September 19
  1. Fred N. Kerlinger, Foundations of Behavioral Research
2. S.K. Barua & J.R. Verma, The Great Indian Scam
3. A.G. Leonard, India's Trade Relations with Japan: An Economic Analysis
4. R.K. Agarwal, Handbook of Dividends
5. M.Y. Khan & P.K. Jain, Management Accounting
6. N.Y. Agarwal, Cost Accounting For CA Intermediates
7. University of Delhi, The Gathering Storm: Resource Crisis For Universities
8. Prasanna Chandra, Investment Game: How To Win
Vol.VII No.4
December 19

1. Tripathy, R.N. & Pratima Tripathy, The Economics of Developing Countries
2. Manosi Lahiri, The Bihar Geographic Information System
3. R.K. Agarwal, Law Relating to Filing of Return of Income
4. R.K. Agarwal, Tax Planning of Clubbing of Income and Wealth
5. Vashisht C.D. & Saxena, V.K., Advanced Cost & Management Accounting Text
6. Dinkar Pagare, Law and Practice of Income Tax

Vol. VIII No.1
March 199
  1. M.V. Srinivas Gowda, Technological Change & Employment in India
2. R.K. Agarwal, Tax Planning in Respect of Salaries, Allowances & Perquisities
3. R.N. Lakhotia and Subhash Lakhotia, A TO Z Ready- Reckner of Investments
4. R.N. Lakhotia, Deductibility of Business Expenditure: with Tax Planning Guidelines 147 R.N. Lakhotia, How to save Wealth Tax & Gift Tax
5. R.N. Lakhotia, How to save on your salary & Perquisites
Vol. VIII No.2
June 199
  1. R.K. Agarwal, Tax Planning For Group of Companies
2. R.N. Lakhotia, Tax Planning For Non-Resident Indians
3. N.J. Yasaswy, Turnaround Stocks
4. R.N. Lakhotia, How To Save Income Tax By Tax Planning
5. R.N. Lakhotia, Income Tax Guide
6. R.N. Lakhotia & Subhash Lakhotia, Corporate Tax Planning
7. C.B. Gupta, Corporate Planning and Policy
8. Subhash Lakhotia, Property Investment & Tax Planning Hand Book
9. R.N. Lakhotia, How to Tackle Income Tax Raids & Surveys
Vol.VIII No.3
September 199

1. R.P. Hooda, Statistics for Business and Economic
2. Arabinda Ray, The Indian Manager Still in Search of a Style
3. A. Nag. The Management Refresher
4. Rustom S. Davar, Creative Leadership
5. D. Ghosh Roy, Bank Marketing: A Handbook for Branch Bankers
6. M.Y. Khan and P.K. Jain, Theory and Problems of Financial Management
7. Harry E. Figgie Jr., How to Reduce Costs and Improve Profits

Vol.VIII No. 4
December 199
  1. B.R.Patil, Collective Bargaining: Perspective and Practice
2. R.K. Agarwal, Disclosure of Accounting Policies, with Readymade Drafts of Accounting     Policies
3. Khurana K. and Malik S.B., Elementary Topics in Algebra
4. Agarwal R.K., New Tax Scheme For Contractors. Truck Owners & Small Businessmen
5. Pat Weymes, How To Perfect Your Selling Skills
6. Art Weinstein, Market Segmentation Using Niche Marketing To Exploit New Markets
7. Tonny Harrison, The Product Manager's Handbook
Vol.IX No.1
March 199
  1. S.S. Grewal & Navjot Grewal, Profitable Investment in shares
2. Ranabir Samaddar, Workers and Automations: The Impact of New Technology in the     Newspaper Industry
3. R.K. Agarwal, Deducation of Tax at Source & Practice, 1994-95 180 Bhagwati Prasad, Income     Tax Law & Practice
4. M. Obaidullah,Indian Stock Market: Theories and Evidence
5. G. Agarwal, Accounting for Depreciation in Company Accounts, with New Rates of     Depreciation in Schedule XIV of Companies Act, 1956
6. Khan & Jain, Theory & Problem of Financial Management
7. Kartik C. Roy, Rai Kumar Sen, Alack Ghosh, Development Management and Administration:     A Third World Perspective
8. Reddy K.N. & Selvaraiu V., Health Care Expenditure by Govt. in India.
Vol. IX No.2
June 199
  1. S C.M. Kulshreshtha, Mastering Mutual Funds
2. N.J. Varshney, Personal Investment & Planning Yr. Book 1995-96
3. R.L. Yasaswy & K.L. Maheswari, Managerial Economics
4. Jeffery Elliot & Mervyn Dymally, Fidel Castro: Nothing can stop the course of History
5. L.M. Prasad, Business Policy & Strategy
6. Clifford Pistolese, The Tough Minded Investor: How to Master Your Panic and Greet Beat the     Stock Market
7. Geoffery G. Meredith, Robert E Nelson & Philip A Neck, The Practice of Entrepreneurship
Vol.IX No.3
September 199
  1. Kelvin B. Tynan, Multi Channel Marketing
2. Norman G. Fosback, Stock Market Logic
3. M.C. Khandelwal & Sugan C. Jain, Accounting Theory
4. Helga Drummond, Effective Decision Making
Vol. IX No.4
December 1995
  1. O.C.Tondon, Direct Taxes Manual Vol. I & II, 1995
2. F. Eng Willian, Stock Market Trading Rules
3. Jeevanandam, Management Accounting: A Handbook for Bankers
4. V.S. Patvardhan, Growth of Indigenous Enterprenurship, Part II
5. O.C. Tandon, Mini Direct Taxes Ready Reckoner
Vol.X No.1
March 199
  1. A.N.Shanbagh, In the Wonderland of Investment
2. The World Bank, India: Recent Developments and Prospects
3. N Ramaswamy, A Handbook of Training and Development
4. Khwaja Amjad Saeed, Regional Management Cases
Vol.X No.2
June 199
  1. Bhagwati Prasad, Income Tax Law and Practice
2. Podhisita Chai, Pattaravanich Umaporn, Youth in Contemporary Thailand: Results from the     Family and Youth Survey
3. Pauley and Riordan, Technical Report Writing Today, India Leasing Year Book 1994
Vol.X No.3
September 199
  1. Agarwal, R.K, Deduction of Tax at Source and Advance Tax
2. Schalheim, Jmaes S., Lease or Buy? Principles for sound Corporate Decision Making
3. Gupta Deepak, Corporate Social Accountability: Disclousers and Practices
4. Agarwal G, Inter-corporate Loans and Inter-corporate Investements
Vol.X No.4
December 199
  1. Ghosh, P.K and Kapoor, G.K, Business Policy and Environment
2. Amitabh De and Santanu Bandyopadhyay, Inflation, Theory and Policy
3. Bharadwaj Arya, P.N, Accounting Skills: A PracticalGuide for Non-Accounting Executives
4. Shashikant, Uma and Suri, Kamla, Global Portfolio investments in Energing Markets & India
5. Amara Soonthorndhanda, Sexual Attitudes and Behaviours and Contraceptive use of Late     Female Adolescents in Bankok: A Comparative Study
Vol.XI No.1 
March 1997
  1. Rao, S.B., Financial Management
2. 149 Anand, K.K., Quality Management Handbook
3. 150 Batra, Pramod & Batra, Vijay, Management Think Tank
4. 151 Rangnekar, Sharu, In the World of Corporate Managers
Vol.XI No.2 
June 199
  1. Shivpuje, C.R., and Kaveri, V.S., Management of Non-Performing Advances
2. Walmsley, Julian, The Foreign Exchange and Money Markets Guide
3. Parikh, Kirit S., India Development Report-1997
4. Avadhani, V.A., Investment for Beginners
5. Batra, Promod, Simple Ways to Manage Stress
6. Pandey, I.M., Venture Capital: The Indian Experience
7. Prasad Bhagwati, Income Tax: Law and Practice with Central Sales Tax
Vol.XI No. 3
September 1997
  1. Sengupta S., Management & Public Relation and Communication
2. Hawryszkiweyez, Introduction to System Analysis and Design
3. Batra, Pramod & Batra, Vijay, Management Thought
4. Sadagopun, S., Management Information System
5. Subramanian,C., India Is for Sale
Vol.XI No. 4 
December 199
  1. Vieira, Walter, The Sales Manager-Challenges for the 21st Century
2. Francis, Prem Kumar, The Money Bill Provisions: An Initiatory Examination of Its     Implications of Taxation Laws
3. Pandey, I.M., Finance: A Management Guide for Managing Company Funds & Profits
4. Maran, Richard & Feistmantl, Eric, Computers Simplified
5. Kohok, M.A., Case Studies in Indian Management
6. Berman, Fran, Trash to Cash-How Business Can Save Money and Increase Profits
Vol.XII No.1
March 199
  1. Biswajeet Pattanayak & Harish C. Verma, A Testbook on Human Resource Management
2. V.S. Ramaswamy & S. Namakumari, Marketing Management, Planning, Implementation &     Control: The Indian Context
3. Dwivedi, D.N., Macroeconomic Theory
4. Dwivedi, R.S., Managing Human Resources, Personnel Management in Indian Enterprises
5. Alehis Leon, Mathews Leon, Internet for Everyone
6. How the Bend Market Work, New York Institute of Finance
Vol.XII No.2
June 199
  1. A.L. Nagar & R.K. Das, Basic Statistics
2. R.K. Agarwal, Expenditure on Scientific Research
3. K. Aswathappa, Essentials of Business Environment
4. V.B. Kaujalgi, Structured Systems Analyses and Design — Data Flow Approach
5. Timothy Bell; Frank Marrs; Ira Soloman and Howard Thomas, Auditing Organistions through     a Strategic Systems Lens
6. Sailesh Sengupta, Management of Public Relations and Communication
7. A.N. Agarwal, Indian Economy — Problems of Development & Planning
8. Raj S. Dhankar, Managing Public Sector Undertakings Finance
9. Kireet Joshi, Education for Character Development
Vol.XII No.3
September 199
  1. Bharat Walkhlu, Total Quality
2. H.R. Garg., The Voluntary Disclosure of Income Scheme
3. R.K. Agarwal, How to Maintain, Statutory Books, Registers and other Records (Under the     Companies Act)
4. World Development Indicator
5. Sakti Mukherjee, Indrani Mukherjee, Role of Development Banks in Industrial Finance
6. R.S. Dwivedi, Personnal Management in Indian Enterprises
7. H.R. Garg, The Voluntary Discloure of Income Scheme, 1997
8. John Hartley, Electronic Data Interchange
Vol.XII No.4
December 199
  1. R.J. Allard, An approach to Econometrics
2. J. Mathew, Tax Policy: Some Aspects of Theory and Indian Experience
3. Wendill L. French, Human Resources Management
4. David Decenzo, Personnel/Human Resource Management
5. Alok Gupta, Impact of Urbanisation on Rural Development
6. V.K. Bhalla & S. Shiva Ram, International Business - Environment & Management
7. V.K. Bhalla, Financial Management & Policy
Vol.XIII No.1
March 199
  1. Greying of Indian Railways
2. E. Gillett Billy, Introduction to Operations Research
3. S. Mirza Saiyadain, Human Resources Management
4. K. Aswathappa, Human Resources and Personnel Management
5. S. Bhatt, International Ariation and Outer Space Law and Relations:Reflections on Future     Trends
6. Atrill Peter, Management Accounting for non-specialists
Vol.XIII No.2
June 199
  1. J.V.M. Sarma, Rao M. Govinda, Financing Public Sector Development Expenditure in     Selected Countries - India
2. M. Hadi Soesastro; D.S. Simandjuntak & P.R. Silalahi, Financing Public Expenditure in     Selected Countries - Indonesia
3. Promod Batra & Rakhshanda Jalil, Pearls of Wisdom for Managers
4. AITD, National Infrastructure Report
5. AITD, Non-Motorised Transport in India: Current status & Policy Issues
6. Judy Skeats, How to Succeed in Interviews
Vol.XIII No.3
September 199
  1. Mary Ann Pezzullo, Marketing Financial Services
2. K.C. Nanda, Credit and Banking; What Every Small Entrepreneur(And Banker) Must Know
3. Gerald O. Halter, Bank Investment and Fund Management, American Bankers Association
4. R.K. Agarwal, Service Tax Ready Reckoner
5. American Bankers Association, The Bank Credit Card Business,Published for the Indian     Institute of Bankers
6. Mary P. Merrill, Financial Planning in the Bank
7. K.S. Ramachandran, Development Under Transition
Vol.XIII No.4
December 199
  1. P.C. Tulsian, Practical Costing
2. P.N. Rao, Manufacturing Technology
3. Asha Kaul, Effective Business Communication
4. B.M. Lall Nigam I.C. Jain, Cost Accounting Principal Practics
5. S.P. Rajagopalan, Programming in C & PC Applications
6. S.N. Maheswari, Financial Mangement
7. V.Sharan, International Financial Mangement









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