Nobel Laureate Prof. Joseph Stiglitz enjoying reading Finance India
Instructions to Author(s) and Code of Conduct
FINANCE INDIA (ISSN : 0970 - 3772), The Quarterly Journal of Finance, published regularly since 1987 by Indian Institute of Finance, is a Two Tier Triple Blind Peer Review Refereed Journal. Each Issue is of more than 450 pages. Its has an exalted Editorial Board of over 85 Experts from all over World including 6 Nobel Laureates headed by Prof. Dr. JD Agarwal, an eminent economist.
It is indexed and abstracted by more than 42+ agencies and over 200 Universities worldwide.
Finance India has a very high Impact Factor and is indexed by:
UGC India [ UGC India [Group II 2020 till July 2024; Group A UGC-CARE List 2019 No 75 & Code 1972 & 8198 (till May 2018)]; UGC Uzbekistan ; UGC Hungary & others
FI, SCOPUS Indexed Journal, is placed at 1st position amongst 23,000+ Journals in 2023 ; 3rd position amongst 22,000+ Journals in 2022 ; 4th position amongst 22,000+ Journals in 2021 ; 4th position amongst 21,000+ Journals in 2019 and 3rd position amongst 21,000+ Journals in 2018
Indexed in SJIF Journals Rank by Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) with SJIF Impact Factor Value for 2023 as 8.683 ; SJIF Impact Factor Value for 2022 as 8.389 ; SJIF Impact Factor Value for 2021 as 8.257 ; 7.9 for 2020 ; 7.262 for 2019 and 6.778 for 2018 .
The International Scientific Indexing (ISI) Indexation & ISI Impact Factor of 2.157 (2022-23) ; ISI Impact Factor of 1.812 (2020-21) ; 1.726 (2018-19) and 1.518 (2017-18).
The Index Copernicus International(ICI) World of Journals ICV (Index Copernicus Value) Impact Factor 73.22 (2015).
The Scientific Index Services (SIS) Indexation with SIS Impact Factor for 2018 as 1.593.
The The I2OR Indexation with Publication Impact Factor (PIF) for 2021 as 5.125.
Ranked 3rd WORLDWIDE amongst 79 finance institutions and also among 148 Institutions (of finance, macro economics, labour & general micro-economics and business datasets) by Business and Economic Datalinks of American Statistical Association based on ratings for providing financial information & database.
Indexed and abstracted by more than 42+ agencies and over 200+ UGCs / Universities worldwide
We encourage you to submit your Research Paper(s), Abstracts for Research Books (ARB), Abstract(s) of D.Litt / Doctoral Dissertations and Abstracts of Research Books for possible publication in Finance India.
The paper should be a original piece of work and should not be scheduled for publication elsewhere.
We encourage you to submit your research paper(s) , Abstracts for Research Books (ARB) and Abstract(s) of Doctoral / D.Litt. Dissertations for possible publication in Finance India. The paper should be original piece of work and should not be scheduled for publication elsewhere.
Research Papers can be submitted via two modes :
(a) Normal Submission and
(b) Conference Based Submission.
The Submission Requirements for both are different. The Publication of All submissions is in Regular Issues of Finance India. Kindly read below
For Submission via Normal Submission Mode for Research Articles, Abstracts for Research Books (ARB) and Abstract of D.Litt. / Doctoral Disserations (ADD)
Step 1 : Submit your Research Paper / Abstract of Doctoral Dissertations via Email : Full Paper as per Guidelines on Page 6 at editorial@financeindia.org Immediately
Step 2 : Pay Article / ADD / ARB Submission Fee :
All Authors being Indians based in India Rs. 5,000/-
Any Author being based Overseas Euro / US$ 200 (for payment in INR @ Rs. 82 per US$ and INR @ Rs. 88 per Euro )
Finance India has NO Publication Fee & NO Review Fee
Review Process : All Submissions undergo Two Tier Triple Blind Review Process (3 Overseas Professors + 3 Indian Professors). Once Review process is over decision to Accept / Send Back for Revision /
Reject is taken by Editorial Committee and intimated to all the authors of the Research Paper.
The Average Period of Review for Research Papers is ordinarily 8-10 Months (Minimum being 6 Months
and Maximum 12 Months) and the Average Period of Review for ADD/ABR is 3-4 Months (Minimum
being 2 Month and Maximum 5 Months) based on last 3 years of Reviews.
Express Review (Tatkal) Process Charge : Based on numerous request to expedite the review process at a
fee, the Editorial Committe has proposed to introduce an Express Review Fee as follows to reduce review
period to 4 Months (Rs. 15,000/- OR Euro / US$ 300); 3 Months ( Rs. 18,000/- OR Euro / US$ 400); 2 Months (Rs. 21,000/
- OR Euro / US$ 500) ; 1 Months (Rs. 25,000/- OR Euro / US$ 600). Please note that Charge is for All Authors being
Indians based in India and US$ Charge for any Author being based Overseas. This Fee is NOT Mandatory, however authors have an option to cut down the review time from an average of 8-10 Months
to 1-4 Months. Please note this Fee levied by the Research Paper Division has NO bearing on the decision
on the paper which is strictly based on Review Reports ONLY.
Early Printing Charge for Accepted Papers ONLY : Based on numerous request to publish an Accepted
Article in an Earlier issues, the Publishing Committe has proposed to introduce an Early Issue Printing
Fee of Rs. 20,000/- (for All Authors being Indians based in India) and Euro / US$ 400 (Any Author being based
Overseas). This Fee is NOT Mandatory and ONLY applicable and payble if and only if your paper has
been Accepted / Provisionally Accepted. Please note this fee levied by the Publishing Division has NO
bearing on the decision on the paper which is strictly based on Review Reports ONLY.
Step 3 : Postal Submission ONLY if Research Paper / ADD / ARB is Accepted / Provisionally Accepted
in the required format given on page 6 at Indian Institute of Finance, 45A, Knowledge Park III,
Greater Noida, UP 201310, INDIA
Postal Submission includes (a) Two Hard Copies of their manuscripts in printed format, clearly
typed with double spacing on A4 Size paper and verbatim inset quotations should be singlespaced; (b) Electronic copy in USB Pen Drive; (c) PLAGIARISM Report (of less than 5%) ; Author
Declaration to be givin Individually and in Original Signatures (as given on page 7).
Please note that the Article Submission Fee has no bearing on the decision of the paper, as the Decision on the paper is based on the Two Tier Triple Blind Review Process.
For Submission of Research Papers via Conference Mode for IIF and FI International Research Conferences
Step 1 : Submit your Research Paper via Email : Full Paper as per Guidelines on Page 6 at iifrc1987@gmail.com (for 3-4 Day Conferences) / financeindia1987@gmail.com (for 1 Day Conferences) Immediately [Subject line : Conference Paper Submission ]
Step 2 : Conference Review Blind Review is done by Conference Office (within 1-2 Day)
Step 3 : Conference Review Report is “Positive” or “Positive with Revision” then proceed to completion of Registration Formalities, Article Submission Formalities and Prepare 10 Mintues Presentation. If the Conference Review Report is “Negative” then we send Review comments for authors to correct and re-submit within 2 weeks or the paper stands Rejected.
- Conference Registration Fee to be Paid by All Authors and Co-Authors Author & Co-Authors : Rs. 5,000/- or US$ 100 + 18% GST Doctoral Students/Fellows : Rs. 4,000/- or US$ 75 + 18% GST
- Article Submission Fee :All Authors being Indians based in India Rs. 25,000/-Any Author being based Overseas US$ 500 (for payment in INR @ 82)
- Finance India has NO Publicaiton Fee & NO Review Fee
Step 4: Conference Review Report will be treated as Tier 1 Review Report towards submission for Finance India linked to Conference. The Tier 2 blind review by 3 Full Professors (2 Overseas + 1Indian) (within 1-2 Month) only once formalities in Step 3 are Completed.
Step 5: The Review Comments from All Referees are sent to all Author(s) after Paper Presentation at Conference to enable them revise their paper in-accordance and complete Postal Submission along with Plagarism Report (of less than 5%) for publication. Publication Acceptance is subject to revision being to fair satisfaction of Referees.
Postal Submission after Referees approve the Revision to fair satisfaction : Hard Copy (2 Sets) as per format requirments on Page 6 + Soft Copy (1 Set) on USB Pen Drive + Plagarism Report (less than 5%) + Author Declaration by All Authors Individually (see page 7) signed in Original
Please see Page 5-8 for Instruction to Authors, Declaration Format and Ethical Code of Conduct
Instructions to Author(s)
For Articles and Abstracts of Doctoral Dissertations
All Author(s) to make Submission in-accordance with the details given on Page 5 to 8 of FI Brochure.
- For Abstracts of D.Litt. / Doctoral Dissertations (ADD). The thesis should be in areas of Finance, Accounting and other related areas in maximum 4,000 words. The thesis should have been completed from University/Institute after June, 1987.
Cover Page must contain : (a) Title (b) Name of Supervisor with complete mailing address;phone & email (c) Year of Submission and Award of Degree (d) Awarding University (e) Submitters Mailing Address and Contact details. \
- For Abstracts of Research Books (ARB). The ARB should be in areas of Finance, Accounting and other related areas in maximum 4,000 words. The Book should have been published recently in the last
10 years and/or after June, 1987. 1 Hard Copy of Book must be sent along with Abstract of the Research Book. See other points below
- Review Process. A Two Tier Triple Blind Peer Review Process (i.e. by Two FullProfessor Referee from within India and Three Full Professor Referee from Overseas).Only after all Review Reports are recieved decision to Accept / Send Back for Revision/ Reject is taken by Editorial Committee. For Review Time Line, please see Page 5.
- Electronic Copy. Authors are required to submit an electronic copy (soft copy) ofthe paper in MS-Word Format (DOC format) in USB Pen Drive AND also via Email to editorial@financeindia.org (for Normal Submission) OR iifrc1987@gmail.com (for 3 - 4 Day Conference Submission) OR financeindia1987@gmail.com (for 1 Day Conference Submission)
- Cover Page. Shall contain the title of the manuscript, the author's name and affiliation (designation,organisation, name, postal address, phone, fax & E-Mail) including acknowledgement if any. This page will be removed before the manuscript is sent to a referee.
- Abstract. Each manuscript should include an abstract of about 200 words, Title, Keywords & JEL Classification Code.
- The introduction section must have no heading or number. Subsequent headings should be given Roman numerals. Subsection headings should be lettered 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 etc.
- The article should end with a non-technical summary statement of the main conclusions. Lengthymathematical proofs and very extensive detailed tables should be placed in appendix or omitted entirely. The author should make every effort to explain the meaning of mathematical proofs.
- Footnotes. Footnotes in the text must be numbered consecutively and typed on a separate page, double-spaced, following the reference section. Footnotes to the table must also be double-spaced and typed at the bottom of the page with the table.
- Tables. Tables must be numbered consecutively with Roman numerals. Please check that your textcontains a reference to each table. Type each table on a separate page. Authors must check tables tomake sure that amounts add up to the Totals shown and that the titles, column headings, captionsetc. are clear & to the point. Necessary Notes and Source must be mentioned at bottom.
- Figures. Figures must be titled and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Necessary Notesand Sources must be mentioned at bottom.
- Equations. All mathematical expressions should be displayed on a separate line and centred. Equationsmust be numbered consecutively on the right margin, using Arabic numerals in parentheses.
- References. References must by typed on a separate page and double spaced at the end of the paper.They must have complete information : Author Names, Journal/Publisher, Volume & No / Year ofPublication, pages.
- Plagiarism and English.Please check your manuscript for clarity, grammar, spellings, punctuation, consistency of referencesto minimize editorial changes and PLAGIARISM (of less than 5%).
- Word Limits.There are NO Word Limits or Page Limitations for any submission/publication. However post Covid-19 from 2022, 10 Print Pages for Articles and 6 Print Pages for ADD / ARB per paper are printed free by Subscription cum Printing Division. Any Pages over and above these are charged at a Fee Per Page, as informed to authors OR Authors have a Right to reduce the lenght of the Paper within a resonable time with minor editing to reduce lenght and /or shift publication to next issues with major changes which might impact the research findings being published in the research work, subject to re-review of changes done by an independence referee.
- Declaration of Orignality. Please see the Declaration for on Page 7. The Declaration must include the following by All Authors Individually containing : (a) Originality of the Work being yours Only; (b) esearch Work Not Submitted + Published elsewhere + Not there on any Online Source; (c) Plagiarism being ___% using software ____ (MUST be less than 5% excluding References); (d) The following Co-authors (mention names of all other co-authors) have done this work with me [ Ignore in Paper where there is NO Co-Author]; (e) All Certificates must mention the Designation you hold in your Organization.
- Author Declaration Form Format
The following Declaration is to be submit by ALL Authors/Co-Authors in Hard Copy format
I am Principal Author / Co-author of the research paper titled
co authored with ________________________.
The said Research work is Original research work and has not been submitted elsewhere, nor
published in any journal or book including online sources.
The Plagiarism Reports indicate _______ % using _________ software
in the Plagiarism Report. (Self attested signed copy attached)
I / We would be solely responsible if there is any claim for plagiarism / copy rights violation
issues found at any stage in future.
Date : _______________________ ______________________
Name : ________________________________
Designation : __________________________
Organisation : _________________________
Address : ______________________________
Mobile Phone : _________________________
Email : ________________________________
- Article / ADD / ARB Submission Fees. All articles submitted for possible publication MUST accompany the submissionfee as mentioned on Page 5 - 8 of FI Brochure. The Decision of the paper is based on Review Process asoutlined in Point 3 above. FINANCE INDIA has NO Publication Fee & NO Review Fee
All Payments are to be made through
(a) Credit - Debit Cards / NetBanking / Wallets : https://www.iif.edu/payment.htm;
(b) Bank Transfer : for India : NEFT to Indian Institute of Finance; A/c No. 65075795019; State Bank of India, Greater Noida, IFSC Code: SBIN0004324; for Overseas : Branch Code : 04324; SWIFT code : SBININBB881; IFSC Code : SBIN0004324 or (c) PAYTM using any UPI App : https://www.iif.edu/paytm.htm (d) Overseas Credit Card Payments via
Pay Pal Gateway : https://www.iif.edu/payment.htm [ OR Get Invoice raised through IIF Accounts] (e) Demand Draft/Banker's Cheque in favour of "Indian Institute of Finance" payable at Delhi, India
Code of Conduct (Ethical Standards)
Publication of an article in FINANCE INDIA - an academic peer-reviewed journal serves several functions, one of which is to validate and preserve the "minutes" of research. It is therefore of immense importance that these "minutes" are accurate and trustworthy. The act of publishing involves many parties, each of which plays an important role in achieving these aims. It therefore follows that the author, the journal editor, the peer-reviewer, the publisher, and the owner of Society-owned journals have responsibilities to meet expected ethical standards at all stages in their involvement from submission to publication of an article.
Indian Institute of Finance is committed to meeting and upholding standards of ethical behaviour at all stages of the publication process. We follow closely the industry associations that set standards and provide guidelines for best practices in order to meet these requirements.
FINANCE INDIA follows Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing | COPE: Committee on Publication Ethics
Below is a summary of our key expectations of editors, peer-reviewers, and authors.
1. Ethical expectations
Editor(s) responsibilities
To act in a balanced, objective and fair way while carrying out their expected duties, without discrimination on grounds of gender, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, ethnic or geographical origin of the authors.
To handle submissions for sponsored supplements or special issues in the same way as other submissions, so that articles are considered and accepted solely on their academic merit and without commercial influence.
To adopt and follow reasonable procedures in the event of complaints of an ethical or conflict nature, in accordance with the policies and procedures of the Society where appropriate. To give authors a reasonable opportunity to respond to any complaints. All complaints should be investigated no matter when the original publication was approved. Documentation associated with any such complaints should be retained.
Reviewer(s) [Referee(s)] responsibilities
To contribute to the decision-making process, and to assist in improving the quality of the published paper by reviewing the manuscript objectively, in a timely manner.
To maintain the confidentiality of any information supplied by the editor(s) or author(s). To not retain or copy the manuscript.
To alert the editor(s) to any published or submitted content that is substantially similar to that under review.
To be aware of any potential conflicts of interest (financial, institutional, collaborative or other relationships between the reviewer and author) and to alert the editor to these, if necessary withdrawing their services for that manuscript.
Author(s) responsibilities
To maintain accurate records of data associated with their submitted manuscript, and to supply or provide access to these data, on reasonable request. Where appropriate and where allowed by employer, funding body and others who might have an interest, to deposit data in a suitable repository or storage location, for sharing and further use by others.
To confirm/assert that the manuscript as submitted is not under consideration or accepted for publication elsewhere. Where portions of the content overlap with published or submitted content, to acknowledge and cite those sources. Additionally, to provide the editor with a copy of any submitted manuscript that might contain overlapping or closely related content.
To confirm that all the work in the submitted manuscript is original and to acknowledge and cite content reproduced from other sources. To obtain permission to reproduce any content from other sources.
To declare any potential conflicts of interest (e.g. where the author has a competing interest (real or apparent) that could be considered or viewed as exerting an undue influence on his or her duties at any stage during the publication process).
To notify promptly the journal editor(s) or publisher if a significant error in their publication is identified. To cooperate with the editor and publisher to publish an erratum, addendum, corrigendum notice, or to retract the paper, where this is deemed necessary.
Publisher / Society responsibilities
Indian Institute of Finance shall ensure that good practice is maintained to the standards outlined above.
2. Procedures for dealing with unethical behaviour
Identification of unethical behaviour
Misconduct and unethical behaviour may be identified and brought to the attention of the editor(s) and publisher at any time, by anyone.
Misconduct and unethical behaviour may include, but need not be limited to, examples as outlined above.
Whoever informs the editor(s) or publisher of such conduct should provide sufficient information and evidence in order for an investigation to be initiated. All allegations should be taken seriously and treated in the same way, until a successful decision or conclusion is reached.
An initial decision should be taken by the editor(s), who should consult with or seek advice from the publisher, if appropriate.
Evidence should be gathered, while avoiding spreading any allegations beyond those who need to know.
Minor misconduct might be dealt with / without the need to consult more widely. In any event, the author should be given the opportunity to respond to any allegations.
Serious misconduct might require that the employers of the accused be notified. The editor(s), in consultation with the publisher, should make the decision whether or not to involve the employers, either by examining the available evidence themselves or by further consultation with a limited number of experts.
Outcomes (in increasing order of severity; may be applied separately or in conjunction)
Informing or educating the author(s) or reviewer(s) where there appears to be a misunderstanding or misapplication of acceptable standards.
A more strongly worded letter to the author(s) or reviewer(s) covering the misconduct and as a warning to future behaviour.
Publication of a formal notice detailing the misconduct.
Publication of an editorial detailing the misconduct.
A formal letter to the head of the author(s) or reviewer(s) department or funding agency.
Formal retraction or withdrawal of a publication from the journal, in conjunction with informing the head of the author or reviewer's department, Abstracting & Indexing services and the readership of the publication.
Imposition of a formal embargo on contributions from an individual for a defined period.
Reporting the case and outcome to a professional organisation or higher authority for further investigation and action.
Indian Institute of Finance
45A, Knowledge Park III, Greater Noida - 201310
Phone : +91-9811971002; +91-9999321585, +91-9999321586 (WhatsApp No.)
Editorial Email editorial@financeindia.org OR aa@financeindia.org Subscription Email : subscribe@financeindia.org; nl@iif.edu; info@iif.edu