Volume & Year |
Articles |
Vol.XIV No.1
March 2000 |
1. India U.S. Relationship
2. India U.S. Relationship
3. Budget 2000-2001
4. Railway Budget 2000-01
5. Indian Economy : General Review
6. An Economic Evaluation of Dividend Reinvestment Plans of Large U.S. Corporations
7. Contemporary Issues in Corporate Restructuring in India in the new Millennium
8. Econometric Evidence on the Internationalization of Indian Capital Market
9. Holiday effect in the Indian Stock Market |
June 2000 |
1. Financial Decision for hydro projects and environmental issues
2. Determinants of foreign institutional investment in India
3. Empirical evidence on liquidity — Profitability interaction in the banking sector of Nigeria
4. Consumer behaviour amongst the jaintias in Meghalaya: an empirical investigation
5. Changing Economic Scenario in South-East Asian Region
6. Investors' Life Styles and Investment Characteristics
7. Whether Nuclear Family should be a Unit for Income Taxation ?
8. Finances of Large Public Limited Companies, 1998-99 |
Vol.XIV No.3
September 2000 |
1. The Corporation Tax in India: Empirical validity of laffer curve
2. Assessing human efficiency in Banks
3. Fiscal Policy Model for India: A Select survey of Literature
4. Stock Market Development and Financial Intermediaries: Some Stylized facts from Nigeria
5. A case for Brand Accounting
6. Investment performance of Indian Mutual Funds: An Empirical Study
7. Financial & Economic Appraisal of Investment in infrastructure in a rural market
8. Finances of Public Limited Companies 1998-99 |
Vol.XIV No.4
December 2000 |
1. Contracting-out of the investment function in provident funds
2. Portfolio Management-The ePG approach
3. Financing of hotel industry in Nagaland
4. The influence of nature of business on corporate debt ratios-empirical evidence from the Indian private corporate sector
5. The economic production lot-size model with variable cost function
6. Expanded use of a firm's line of credit
7. Electronic share holding, trading and settlement
8. Behaviour Dynamics of Indian ipo market : an empirical analysis |
Vol.XV No.1
March 2001 |
1. Address to the Nation
2. Bugdet- 2001-2002
3. Indian Economy : General Review
4. The Financial Characteristics of Share Repurchase Companies: A Comparative Analysis
5. The effect of Bank Mergers and Acquisitions on the credit Decision process in small business lending
6. Post Earnings Announcement Drift : A Critical Examination of Empirical Work
7. Performance analysis of mutual funds in India
8. Determinants Of Price Earning Ratio
9. Missing Aspects of Economic Reforms - An Analysis of Private Corporates |
Vol.XV No.II
June 2001
1. Derivatives : Wave of the Future (Indian Scenario)
2. Fuzzy multi objective zero one programming for Capital Budgeting
3. Comparing Different Methods Estimating Value-At-Risk (VaR) for Actual Non-Linear Portfolios : Empirical Evidence
4. Financial Management in Public Enterprises : Present Scenario and challenges to transition
5. Financial Distress and Performance Differences among commercial banks in Nigeria : a multivariate ratio analysis
6. Investors’ Reaction to Good and bad news in secondary market : A study relating to investor’s behaviour
7. On construction of a composite indicator for predicting stock price Index in India
8. Discounted Cash Flow Criteria for Capital Investment Decision : A Correction for continuously distributed cash flow
9. Accounting for effects of changes in exchange rates : Some observations
10.Tenancy and informal credit transactions : A study of some villages in upper Assam |
Vol.XV No.3
September 2001 |
1. The Quantification of country Risk : Effects on Sovereign Debt discounts
2. Illegal Informal forgeign exchange market in india: Factors influencing parallel Premium before and after ‘floating’ of rupee
3. The Place of Inflationary Finance in Public Decision : The Case of sub-saharan African Countries
4. An Application of A Fuzzy Set Theoretic Approach for Forecasting Inflation in India
5. Nonlinear Dependence in palladium and platinum futures : some tests for caos
6. Stock Market Efficiency - Spectral Analysis
7. Portfolio optimization transcending from theory to practice
8. Inflation in India Between 1965-95: A structuralist explation
9. The Impact of the euro on the behaviour of the small french firms
10.The value relevance of goodwill Accouting Numbers : The investors' perception
11. Overtime Job Satisfaction of employees in public sector : A study of himachal pradesh |
Vol.XV No.4
December 2001 |
1.The new paradigm economy and global markets
2. Residual income as a performance measure for creating firm value
3. A study of basic properties of mortgage valuation under fixed and graduated payments mortgages
4. Price performance and bonus issues
5. Financial structure for backward area development
6. Cansality between call money rates and forward premia
7. Restructuring the present tax structure:some theoretical and practical aspects
8. Determinants of price earning ratio
9. The impact of the future market's introduction on the conditional volatility of the Portugese stock market
10.On the smile effect and market imperfections in the presence of jumps and incomplete information
11. Valuing corporate securities subject to rating momentum : a structural approach |
Vol.XVI No.1
March 2002 |
1.Address to the Parliament
2. Union budget 2002-2003
3. Analysis of Union Budget 2002-2003
4. Indian Economy : General Review
5. Profiting from technical analysis in Indian stock market
6. Agricultural futures markets : Analysis of equlibrium conditions and inter market relations
7. Liberalisation and its effect on Indian banking
8. Old wine in a new bottle : Growth opportunities and repouring of Gordon's vintage dividend policy
9. The state of Indian stock market under liberalisation 10.abnormal returns using technical analysis : the Indian experience
11. Cross listing of stock among European-Arab (mediterranean) markets
12. The effect of incomplete information on the cost of capital in international integrated market
Vol.XVI No.2
June 2002 |
1. Development strategies and developing countries
2. Impact of governance on economic development in South Asian region
3. Determinants of thrift institution off-balance sheet activities:an empirical investigation
4. The after-tax cost of debt: a consistent approach
5. Risk preference of investors in the city of Ahmedabad 6. The Asian financial crisis and India
7. Business intelligence and firms' attitudes toward financial disclosure
8. Asymmetry in the ems: new results from a cointegration analysis
9. Towards a sound economy
10. Predicting corporate financial distress: a new neural networks approach
11. An empirical test of stable dividend hypothesis
12. Accruals and the prediction of future cash flows |
Vol.XVI No.3
September 2002 |
1. A new approach & model for weather derivative instrument based on water table for floods, droughts and rainfall
2. Determinants of the us savings and loan off-balance sheet activities : an empirical investigation
3. Audit firm rotation in Malaysia-prospects & problem
4. The Egyptian privatization program : public offering vs anchor investor
5. Ex-ante uncertainty in initial public offerings-the Indian market
6. International investment & diversification
7. An application of multidimensional scaling model towards brand positioning of mutual funds : a case study of tax-saving scheme
8. Hedging large risks reduces the transaction costs 9. Management of working capital in selected co-operatives in Botswana
10. Impact of reform : shifting role of IDBI
11. Risk management practices - an empirical analysis of the UAE commercial banks |
Vol.XVI No.4
December 2002 |
1. Defining parameters of an underlying variable (asset / value) and establishing water table as underlying value
2. The effect of trade liberalization on economic growth: the case of Ethiopia
3. Do international capital structures converge?
4. On the valuation of investments in property options
5. Corporate debt value and optimal capital structure with shadow costs of incomplete information
6. Investor's psychology: a study of investor behaviour in the Indian capital market
7. An evaluation of portfolio performance components across fund characteristics
8. Conditioning information on portfolio performance evaluation: a rexamination of performance persistence in the Portuguese mutual fund market
9. Determinants of share price - a system approach, the modified model
10. A measure of relative efficiency of financial markets from eigenvalue based mobility indices |
Vol.XVII No.1
March 2003 |
1. Analysis of Union Budget 2003
2. Union Budget 2003-2004
3. Indian Economy : General review
4. Constructivist and ecological rationality in economics
5. Using Tobin's q ratio to assess the strategy of repurchasing shares
6. A prospective study of the k-factor Gegenbauer processes with heteroscedastic errors and an application to inflation rates
7. Executive compensation in perennially loss-making firms
8. Transaction costs and shadow costs in capital market equilibrium
9. Currency correlation and variability as hedging tools: an analytical study of their relationship
10. Marketing of financial services: a survey of selected financial institutions in Nigeria |
Vol.XVII No.2
June 2003 |
1. VECM modeling with exogenous variables and metal price formation in panel data using the example of aluminium
2. A mixed integer goal programming (migp) model for multi-period complex corporate financing problems
3. An analysis of efficiency and productivity growth of the Indian banking sector
4. Emerging cyber market: potential and threat for regional bourses
5. The government securities market-post reforms scenario & policy issues
6. Determinants of the flow of institutional credit to agriculture in the Karnataka state
7. A simple version of the Henry George theorem 8.investors' demographics and risk bearing capacity
9. On interest rates, the liquidity trap and information costs
10. Investment portfolio of scheduled commercial banks 11.Finances of foreign direct investment companies, 2000-01 |
Vol.XVII No.3
September 2003 |
1. Challenges before Indian economy
2. Unified new europe & it's effect on the global village [model for "the new Europe"]
3. Forecasting the viability and operational efficiency by the use of ratio analysis-a case study
4. Price performance of initial public offerings in India
5. The implications of arbitrage strategies on performance persistence: evidence on Tunisian mutual funds
6. Price earning ratio revisited
7. Commercial bank credit & economic growth in Nigeria (1970-1996)
8. On the management of performance value governance and investments in research and development
9. Measuring the information content of stock price index
10. Performance of the private corporation business sector during the first half of 2002-03 |
Vol.XVII No.4
December 2003 |
1. Citizen centric e-governance technology and management policy
2. Savings concept in derivative instrument
3. Behavioral economics and retirement well-being
4. Democracy dividends in nigeria : efficacy of the bird-in-hand logic
5. A comparison of the financial performance of private sector banks
6. Linkages between, and contagion in, asian stock and foreign exchange markets (september 1989—october 1999)
7. Transfer pricing in indian banks
8. Managing corporate governance in asia
9. Global factoring business : trend and performance
10. International banking statistics of india—march 31, 2003
11. Performance of financial and investment companies, 2001—2002
Vol.XVIII No.1
March 2004 |
1. Interim Budget 2004-2005
2. Volatility of International finance market: Regulation adn finance supervision
3. Trends and Determinants of Corporate Capital Structure in India: A Panel Data Analysis
4. Alternatives for Stock Market Integration Measurement : Investigation of Asian Stock Markets
5. Effect on Company size on stock return volatility
6. The New Information & Communication Technologies: Are they among the pillars of added-value creation to the Tunisian Banks ?
7. Value At Risk–A Critique
8. Alternative Strategies for Funding Defence Needs in The New Millennium
9. Default risk, leverage and shadow costs of incomplete information
10. Finances of State Governments – 2003-04 : A Summary of Major Features
Vol.XVIII No.2
June 2004 |
1. President's Address to the Joint Session of Parliament on June 7, 2004
2. International Money Laundering in the Banking Sector
3. Foreign Ownership and Firm Value : An Empirical Investigation
4. Opening up of External financial Sector and India's Financial Integration
5. The Dynamics of Stock Price Adjustments to New Information : Empirical Evidence from the Tunisian Stock Exchange Market
6. A Study of Market Integration based on Indian Stock Market, Bullion Market and Foreign Exchange Market
7. Repayment Performance of Benificiares under NABARD assisted programmes- An Analytical Study
8. Retrospecting and Re-Prospecting Agro-Industry in a Petro-Monolithic Economy : The Case of OKOMU Oil Palm company in Nigeria
9. Investment Portfolio of Schduled Commercial Banks ( As on March 31, 2003) |
Vol.XVIII No.3
September 2004 |
Vol.XVIII No.4
December 2004 |
Vol.XIX No.1
March 2005 |
Vol.XIX No.2
June 2005 |
Vol.XIX No.3
September 2005 |
Vol.XIX No. 4
December 2005 |
Vol.XX No.1
March 2006 |
Vol.XX No.2
June 2006 |
Vol.XX No.3
September 2006 |
Vol.XX No.4
December 2006 |
Vol.XXI No.1
March 2007 |
Vol.XXI No.2
June 2007 |
Vol.XXI No.3
September 2007 |
Vol.XXI No. 4
December 2007 |
Vol.XXII No.1
March 2008 |
Vol.XXII No.2
June 2008
Vol.XXII No.3
September 2008 |
Vol.XXII No. 4
December 2008 |
Vol.XXIII No.1 March 2009 |
Vol.XXIII No.2
June 2009 |
Vol.XXIII No.3
September 2009 |
Vol.XXIII No. 4
December 2009 |
Vol.XXIV No.1
March 2010 |
Vol.XXIV No.2
June 2010 |
Vol.XXIV No.3
September 2010 |
Vol.XXIV No.4
December 2010 |