Volume & Year |
Articles |
Vol.V No.1
March 1991
1. Leverage
2. Emerging Trends in Capital Markets Public Sector Enterprises
3. Information Neets of Shareholders and Corporate Disclosure - An Empirical Investigation
4. Accounting for Financial Futures; Blues and Breakthrough
5. Black Money: Some Dimensions |
Vol.V No.II
June 1991
1. A Fuzzy Goal Programming Model with additivity Structure to Capital Budgeting Decisions
2. Credit Analyst's Perceptions of Inter-industry Ratio Characteristic
3. Interim Financial Reporting in India
4. Optimal Financial Leverage-The Ownership Factor
5. Union Excise Duties-An Overview |
Vol.V No.3
September 1991
1. Foundation of Portfolio Theory
2. Financial Ratios: A Behavioral Viewpoint
3. Using Discriminant Analysis to Determine A Set of Financial Ratios to Control The Company Level Performance: An Empirical Study of the Paint Industry in India.
4. Some Issues in Accounting for Research and Development Costs
5. Behaviour of Equity Share Price in India: An Empirical Evaluation
6. Deficit Financing, Money Supply and Price Behaviour in India |
Vol.V No.4
December 1991
1. Capital Asset Prices with and Without Negative Holdings
2. Stockbrokers' Recommendations and Share Picking Expertise in Singapore
3. Weak Level Efficiency of Indian Stock Markets-A Survey
4. Pills, Profits and Policies
5. International Banking : An Appraisal
6. Agricultural Taxation in Madurai District |
Vol.VI No,1
March 1992
1. Interrelationship between actual and implied interest rates:Empirical Evidence from Hong Kong
2. On the Causality between Exports of Manufactured goods and Industrial Growth
3. Corporate Financial Objectives: Some Empirical Findings
4. Venture Capital Financing in India
5. Disclosure of Liquidity Information in the Published Reports of PEs:Some Revealing Trends |
Vol.VI No.2
June 1992
1. Dividend Policy: An Analysis of some Determinants
2. Approximate Calculations for Portfolio Analysis problem
3. Control Systems for Efficient Utilisation of Resources in Corporate Hospitals
4. Export Performance of Indian Firms
5. Determinants of Debt Equity Mix
6. As Assessment of Taxable Income in Farm Sector |
Vol.VI No.3
September 1992
1. Portfolio Diversification Effect in Exchange Rate Risk
2. Financing of Higher Education in India : Role of the University Grants Commission
3. Expenditure Pattern of the Medical and Public Health Department of Rajasthan
4. International Factoring: Framework, Global Scenario and Indian Perspective
5. Financial Management of IFCI- Analysis of Recoveries and Defaults
6. Financing and Implementation of Integrated Rural Development Programme: A Study of a Village Panchayat
7. Performance of Financial and Investment Companies 1988-1989 |
Vol.VI No.4
December 1992
1. The Link Between Crude Oil Price and Common Stock Returns: The 1983-1986 Evidence
2. India's Balance of Payments Performance: The Decade 1980-81 to 1990-91
3. Prediction of Corporate Earnings: Some Preliminary Findings
4. Development Banks and the Mobilisation of Financial Resources
5. Evaluating Investment in New Technology: Some Emerging Trends
6. Mutual Fund-A Buoyant Financial Instrument
7. Trends in Developing Economics 1992: India
8. Overview of World Bank Activities in Fiscal 1992 |
Vol.VII No.I
March 1993
1. Development Banking in India- A Review
2. Financing of a Project by Development Banks: An Examination of Risk Factors
3. Study of Export Trade Financing in India with Particular Reference to Commercial Banks: Problems and Prospects
4. Expenditure Pattern of The Family Welfare Department of Rajasthan
5. The Time Value of Money: A Teaching Procedure
6. Over Dues Problem of RRB's Loan- A Study in Ballia District of U.P.
7. Challenges and Constraints of Funding of Outlay in Power Sector (A Case Study of NTPC Ltd.) |
Vol.VII No.2
June 1993
1. Using Financial Ratio to Predict Corporate Takeover
2. Impact of Future Oil Price on Stock and Bond Markets During The 1990-91 Persian Gulf Crisis
3. International Diversification for Indian Portfolio
4. Information Content of Financial Statements and Equity Stock Prices in India
5. Land Readjustment As An Alternate Method of Urban Financing: A Proposed Pilot Project in Agra Development Authority Uttar Pradesh, India
6. Public Enterprises and Privatisation: The U.K. Experience |
Vol.VII No.3
September 1993 |
1. Behaviour of Equity Share Price in India Micro Time Series Study
2. Inter Company Financial Analysis of Tea Industry: Retrospect and Prospect
3. A Study of The Inter Relationship Between The Call Money Market and Stock Market in India
4. Cricil Rating in India-A New Financial Service in Capital Market
5. Venture Capital Financing for Entrepreneurs: The Crucial Role Business Plan
6. Bonus Share Issues by Companies in India
7. Emerging Dimensions in Management of Financial Services
8. Relevance of Corporate Existence. A Case Study of A.P. Film Development Corporation |
Vol.VII No.4
December 1993
1. External Debt of Developing Countries
2. An Empirical Testing of Capital Asset Pricing Model in India
3. Determinants of Capital Structure-A Survey
4. Management Control System of Msrtc
5. Cost Control in Construction Projects
6. State Transport Undertakings in India: Reforms and Privatisation Strategies
7. Extension of Provisions of Sica to Public Sector Units-A Channel For Exit
8. Implementation of IRDP Needs Streamlining-A Study of Two Districts in J&k |
Vol. VIII No.1
March 1994 |
1. Development Banking in India- A Review
2. Financing of a Project by Development Banks: An Examination of Risk Factors
3. Study of Export Trade Financing in India with Particular Reference to Commercial Banks: Problems and Prospects Expenditure Pattern of The Family Welfare Department of Rajasthan
4. The Time Value of Money: A Teaching Procedure
5. Over Dues Problem of RRB's Loan- A Study in Ballia District of U.P. Challenges and Constraints of Funding of Outlay in Power Sector(A Case Study of NTPC Ltd.) |
Vol. VIII No.2
June 1994 |
1. Globalization, Liberalization Privatization of Indian Economy : Its Impact on Punjab
2. Foreign Direct Investment in India- An Evaluation of its Potential and Motive Considerations
3. Health Care Expenditure in India : Is It Low?
4. Exchange Rate Dynamics: Further Empirical Evidence
5. Estimation of Propensities to save in The Indian Economy Using The Time Series Data 1950- 51 - 1989-90
6. Money Market Mutual Funds (MMMFs): Initiative in India
7.Petroleum Consumption and Economic Growth in India |
Vol.VIII No.3
September 1994 |
1. Fiscal Deficits and Resource Mobilization
2. Leasing Environment in India
3. Volume & Trends of Convertible Debentures in India-A Case Study of Companies During 1978-89
4. Law of Public Expenditure: India Experience
5. Keynesian Motives and Models for Liquidity Management
6. Disclosure of Accounting Policies (AS-I)
7. The Overdues Syndrome in APSFC
8. Mutual Funds in India - A Close Look
9. A Simple Stylized Approach to Teaching Some Basic Concepts in Financial Management at The Undergraduate and Graduate Levels |
Vol.VIII No. 4
December 1994 |
1. A Possibilistic-Constrained Fuzzy Mathematical Programming Model for Capital Budgeting Decisions
2. Stock Market Returns, Inflationary Expectations And Real Activity: Evidence From India
3. The Impact of Market & Industry Factors on Equity Returns
4. The Adjustment of Stock Prices To Corporate Financial Policy Announcements
5. Indian Capital Market: The Changing Scenario
6. Management of Funds in Commercial Banks
7. Industrial Dispersal Policies and Development of Backward Regions in Gujarat
8. Financial Incentives & Small Industrial Units In Madurai District: A Survey
9. Tax Implication of Hire-Purchase Transaction in India |
Vol.IX No.1
March 1995 |
1.The Markets Models: An Annotated Review
2. Variability in Credit-Deposit Ratio: Towards An Explanation of The Performance of Public Sector Banks (1969-1992)
3. Risk Perceptions of Merchant Bankers in India
4. Impact of Capital Structure Decisions on Operating Performance of State Enterprises of A.P. -A Correlation Analysis
5. Portfolio Management of Life Issurance Corp. of India
6. Sources & Application of Funds in Indian Corporate Sector
7. Human Resources Accounting in Indian Public Sector Stratetgic Issues 8. An Analytical Study of Performance of State Financial Corporation in India |
Vol. IX No.2
June 1995 |
1. Industry Norms As Target Financial Ratios: Some Preliminary Observations
2. Risky Case Outflows in Capital Budgeting: The Certainty Equivalent Vs Risk Adjusted Discount Rate Debate
3. Share Market Dynamics & Corporate Financial Policies
4. New Findings on Price Changes and Trading Volume Relationship in The Indian Stock Market
5. From Xenophobia to Globalisation-Some Key Issues
6. Indian Sick Companies-To Turnaround or To Exit
7. Studies in Share Price Behaviour
8. An Analytical Study of Differential Rate of Interest Scheme and Its Impact on Beneficiaries
9. Weighted Average Cost of Capital Specification & Conceptual Review |
Vol.IX No.3
September 1995 |
1. Capital Flight From India to The United States Through Abnormal Pricing in International Trade
2. A Case Study of Falled Call Options Market
3. Stock Market for The Small and Medium Industries: Is The Market Informationally Efficient with Respect to Money Supply Growth?
4. Globalisation of Emerging Equity Markets
5. A General Model Describing The Behavioral Adjustment of Firm's Working Capital Ratios to the Industry Average
6. The Responsiveness of The Indian Tax Structure 1970-71 To 1991-92
7. Who Will Bank The Unbankable?
8. Share Valuation in Public Enterprises: Methods & Approaches
9. Liberalisation Policy and NRI Project in India A Case Study of Computer Line |
Vol. IX No.4
December 1995 |
1. Financial Performance of Private Corporate Business Sector
2. 1994-95 Strategy for Deficit-Reduction, The Union Budget of India: Recent Trends and Implications
3. Trade Liberalisation and Economic Growth in India
4. Mutual Funds: The U.S. Experience
5. Management of Working Capital-Perceptions of Chief Executives
6. Diversified Companies and Financial Performance
7. Some Capital Issues on The Globalization of Indian Capital Market
8. Nandi, Corporate Capital Gearing
9. Financing in Higher Education: Problem & Prospects |
Vol.X No.1
March 1996 |
1. Pre-Buyout Bondholdes' Reaction to Leveraged Buyouts
2. Relative Influence of Market Volatality, Economic Changes and Company Fundamentals of Equity Returns in India
3. The Cointegration Experience of Eastern Currencies
4. Market Price as an Influencer of Investment Decisions
5. Mutual Fund Performance:An Analysis of Monthly Returns
6. Mutual Fund in India: A Financial Service in Capital Market
7. Financial Losses due to Higher T & D Losses of HPSEB
8. A Simple Procedure to Amorfize a Loan |
Vol.X No.2
June 1996 |
1. Emerging Social Dynamics in Decisions on Investment Opportunities in the construction Industry
2. Capital Investment Decisions:A Mixed-Integer Programming Approach
3. The Globalisation and Changing Financial Scenario: An Overview
4. Time-Varying Optimal Hedge Ratios of Foreign Currency Futures
5. Price to Book Ratio as a Valuation Model: An Empirical Investigation
6. Impact of 'SLR'on Banks' Income and Profitability
7. Equity-Investment and Economic Growth in India: 1970-1991
8. Demand for Working Capital in Private Sector Sugar Industries of Tamil Nadu: An Empirical Analysis |
Vol.X No.3
September 1996
1. The Role of Foreign Capital in India's Security Market Boom
2. Stock Price Volatility and its Development Implications-Indian Experiences
3. Evidence on Weak Form Efficiency and Day of the Week Effect in the Indian Stock Market
4. Financial Management Decisions and Risks: A Case with Indian Share Price Data
5. Dividend Policy of SOEs in India - An Analysis
6. Responsiveness of Working Capital Management-A Case Study of Tamilnadu Sugar Corporation
7. Some Issues in Rationalisation of Direct Taxes in India: An Analysis |
Vol.X No.4
December 1996 |
1. Capital Flight from India to the United States Through Abnormal Pricing in International Trade
2. Implications of Social Dynamics in Realisation of Multiple Goals in Construction Industry
3. Determinants of Profitability-A Firm-Level Study of the Sugar Industry of Tamil Nadu
4. Readability of Corporate Reports of MPSLPEs: An Evaluation
5. Financial Ratios as the Forewarning Indicators of Corporate Health
6. Determinants of Dividend Policy in Developing Economies-A Study of Indian Textile Industry
7. Stability of Tax Revenue: A Methodological Approach
8. Bought Out Deals-Innovative Indian Experience |
Vol.XI No.1
March 1997 |
1. Cost of Capital Structure and Dividend Policy: Theory and Evidence
2. Influence of Industry-Class and Ownership Pattern on Corporate Capital Structure in India
3. Industrial Financial in Himachal Pradesh: A Comparative Analysis of Effective Development Banks
4. Genesis of Inflation in India: A Diognostic Analysis
5. Process As A Tool for Receivables Management: A Case Study on OSFC
6. Minimization Project Cost Under Multiple Resource Constraints and Project Duration Constraint
7. Disclosure of Inventory Valuation Policy
8. Modules and Content for An Instructional Program on Privatization |
Vol.XI No.2
June 1997 |
1. Risk and Return: A New Look at The Indian Stock Market
2. Lease Capitalization: Some Implications for Financial Analysis
3. Cost-Benefit Analysis of Priority Sector Lending in India: An Empirical Study
4. A Study of The Income Generation Capacity of Advances and Magnitude of Written off Bad Debts in Nationalised Banks with Particular Reference to UCO Bank
5. Study of Effect of Project Delay on Project Productivity in Small Scale Units
6. Effects of Financial Leverage on Systematic Risk, Cost and Value of Equity Under Capital Asset Pricing Model
7. A Test of Arbitrage Pricing Theory in Indian Capital Market Investment |
Vol.XI No. 3
September 1997 |
1. Foreign Direct Investment: A Multidimensional Analysis
2. Role of Development Banks in The Industrial Development:The Indian Case
3. A Re-Examination of Weak-Form Efficiency of Indian Stock Market
4. Development of Capital Market in India - An Assessment
5. Stock Volatility, Inflation and Exchanges Rate: An Econometric Approach
6. Effect of Dividend Imputation on Australian Mining Companies
7. Risk Taking Disposition of The Decision Maker As An Influencing Factor in Decision Making: A Case Study |
Vol.XI No. 4
December 1997 |
1. Financial Performance of Private Corporate Business Sector
2. 1994-95 Strategy for Deficiton, The Union Budget of India: Recent Trends and Implications
3. Trade Liberlisation and Economic Growth in India
4. Mutual Funds: The U.S. Experience
5. Management of Working Capital-Perceptions of Chief Executives
6. Diversified Companies and Financial Performance
7. Some Capital Issues on The Globalization of Indian Capital Market
8. Corporate Capital Gearing
9. Financing in Higher Education: Problem & Prospects |
Vol.XII No.1
March 1998 |
1. CAPM: Does it Help in indian Capital Market
2. Capital Structure Planning in Small Scale Industries
3. Privatisation Through The Process of Divestiture: A Case Study of Botswana
4. An Inventory Model for Banking Sector to Control Credit
5. A Comparison of Financial Characteristics and Pricing of Initial Public Offerings : Corporations Versus Master Limited Partnerships
6. Differing Sales Tax Rates: A Study of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh
7. Social Expenditure in India During Pre and Post-Reform Period: A Comparative Analysis |
Vol.XII No.2
June 1998 |
1. Foreign Direct Investment in Bangladesh : An overview of its prospects and realities
2. Effect of Stock Exchange Reforms (1992-97) on the Development of Indian Capital Markets : Intermediaries Perceptions
3. An optimal inventory replenishment policy with income elasticity
4. Efficiency drives value
5. Portfolio diversification and risk reduction in india—An Empirical Analysis
6. International Capital Market Integration and Market Deregulation in Australia
7. Project Financing by Financial Institutions
8. Impact of Financial liberalisation on economic growth
9. Amortisation method of capital recovery, interest factor and a modified method |
Vol.XII No.3
September 1998 |
1. Devaluation Can Not Be (MIS) Used for Boosting Exports
2. Estimates of Expenditure Elasticities of Demand Based On Time Series Data
3. The Structure, Conduct and Performance of Publicly Traded, Professionally Managed Commodity Funds: A Synthesis
4. Inflation and Individual Taxation: An Analysis
5. Financial Sector Reforms, Rate of Interest and The Rural Credit Markets: The Role of Informal Lenders in Punjab
6. Nature of Banking Habit in Rural Area- A Micro Level Study
7. Construction and Maintenance of Index Funds
8. An Examination of Market and Industry Factors in Equity Share Pricing Behaviour in India by Principal Component Analysis |
Vol.XII No.4
December 1998 |
1. Risk Perception of Institutional Investors
2. Weighted monetary aggregates and stock prices in Malaysia : A test for seasonal cointegration
3. Evolution and growth of certificates of deposits (CDs) in india
4. Debt rating in India-A service to investor
5. Commercial paper in USA
6. Labour productivity of tile industry in Kerala
7. Growth of fixed deposit in Agra: a critical appraisal
8. PE-Ratio redefined
9. Pedagogic considerations for the time value of money
10. Critical environment for value analysis |
Vol.XIII No.1
March 1999 |
1. Budget 1999-2000
2. Performance of Private Corporate Business Sector, 1997-98
3.Heteroscedasticity in bombay stock market returns: empirical tests
4. The Determinants of Capital Structure An Econometric Analysis
5. Working Capital Management in VST — An Apraisal
6. In Search of Predictive Models for Corporate Health
7. Financial Structure of State Road Transport Corporations A Study of Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation
8. Environmental Excise Duty and Emission Tax: A Comparative Analysis in the Context of India
9. Currency Market Risk management |
Vol.XIII No.2
June 1999 |
1. Inflation: A Study with Respect to India
2. Asset Writedowns, Reporting Bias and Forecasting U.S. Bank's Loan Loss Provisions
3. Multivariate Causality Testing for Prices in Different Markets: Application of Geweke's Method in Indian Context
4. Valuation of Indian Shares
5. A Conceptual Approach to the Determinants of country Creditworthiness
6. Inflation in India: Theoretical and Empirical Analysis
7. Stage in Life Cycle and Investment Pattern
8. Finances of State Governments: 1998-99
9. Performance of financial & Investment Companies: 1995-96
10. Finances of Foreign Direct Investment Companies: 1993-94 Reserve Bank of India |
Vol.XIII No.3
September 1999 |
1. Determinants of Share Price: A System Approach
2. Price Formation Process in the Tea Industry of India
3. M/B Ratio as a Predictor of Security Return
4. Cost Benefit Analysis of Chitty
5. An Interdisciplinary Comparison of Breakeven Analysis
6.Evaluation of Working Capital Investment and Financing Policies of Large Public Limited Companies in India
7. Applicability of the Black-Scholes Model in the Valuation of Warrants in the Indian Stock Market
8. Working Capital Management: A Case Study of Hindustan Lever Ltd
9. Cash Flow of Selected Medium Scale enterprises in Botswana an Empirical Study
10. Ethics of Tax Avoidance Versus Tax Planning
11. Role of Competition Policy in Economic Development and the Indian Experience |
Vol.XIII No.4
December 1999 |
1. Financing opportunities in infrastructure sector
2. Fuzzy Multi-Objective Programming in Capital Budgeting Decision System
3. Asset Writedowns, Reporting Bias and Forecasting U.S. Bank's Loan Loss Provisions
4. Global Financial Markets and India's Opportunities
5. Discriminatory Aspects in Salary Taxation
6. Growth Rates of Central Government's Interest Payments- A Comparative Analysis With Its Total Non-Plan Expenditure
7. Venture Capital: An Overview Of Its Realities and Prospects in India
8. Meeting Funds For Rural Infrastructure: Arrangements of NABARD in Himachal Pradesh
9. Poland Negotiates EU Accession |